In a tragic incident in Apex, two women were shot and killed in a townhome neighborhood. The Apex Police received a call about a disturbance that later escalated to a shots-fired call. The incident took place near Brussels Drive and Chipping Drive in Apex. Responding officers found two women who had been shot multiple times and immediately provided medical assistance before rushing them to a hospital. Sadly, both victims succumbed to their injuries.
During the response, officers heard additional gunshots and located a suspect in the vicinity. The suspect, identified as Harry Bates Hardman, a 37-year-old resident of Brussels Drive, was taken into custody without incident. The Apex Police later charged Hardman with two counts of murder and one count of animal cruelty. The crime scene, marked by dozens of police vehicles and crime scene tape, shocked residents in the usually quiet neighborhood.
A dog was also found shot dead at the scene. The Apex Mayor, Jacques Gilbert, expressed sorrow for the tragedy and praised the first responders for their courageous efforts. Tom McKay, an off-duty Lee County deputy and a neighbor, witnessed the unfolding events, describing the suspect as “just a little bit off” and known for strong emotions. The motive behind the shooting remains unclear, and the victims’ identities are withheld pending confirmation and notification of next of kin. The suspect, Hardman, is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday. The incident left the community mourning and contemplating the unexpected violence in their town.