Commissioner Causey to present awards to county fire marshal and to fire dog during visit to Union County on Friday

Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey will present a pair of Commissioner’s Awards during a visit to Union County on Friday, Jan.19.

Commissioner Causey will present the awards to Union County Fire Marshal Kevin Rigoli and also to his fire dog, Camden, during a retirement ceremony to be held at the Emergency Services Center in Monroe, NC.

Rigoli has 20 years of service in Monroe, serving in various roles. He has 10 years of service as a fire marshal with Union County. In 2015, he was paired with accelerant detection canine Camden and works as his handler. During this time, they have worked fires throughout Union County, in North Carolina and the southeastern United States, also apprehending a number of suspects of arson.

The media is invited to attend and cover this event.

Here is Commissioner Causey’s public schedule for Friday, Jan.19:

2 p.m. – Fire Marshal Retirement Ceremony
Emergency Services Center
2258 Concord Ave., Monroe, N.C. 28112

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About the Author

Angela Brown
Angela Brown is the author of our Business & Economy section.