Holden Minor Ringer embarked on a remarkable journey across America, commencing his trek on March 8, 2023, from Washington state with a destination set for Washington D.C. in May. His mission? To traverse the country on foot, advocating for walkable communities and raising funds for American Walk, a national organization dedicated to pedestrian advocacy.
Reflecting on his motivation, Ringer emphasized the pressing need to address the lack of walkability prevalent across the nation. He highlighted how American infrastructure often prioritizes automobiles over pedestrians, citing examples such as the absence of pedestrian crossings on bustling roads like Hillsboro Road and US 70 in Durham, North Carolina. Such infrastructure deficiencies, Ringer noted, contribute to the inherent dangers pedestrians face and the disproportionate impact on disadvantaged communities.
Central to Ringer’s advocacy is the promotion of alternative, sustainable modes of transportation. By championing walkability and advocating for safer pedestrian infrastructure, he aims to mitigate the alarming rate of injuries and fatalities resulting from car accidents, particularly in economically disadvantaged areas where access to alternative transportation options is limited.
Throughout his journey, Ringer has encountered firsthand the challenges and triumphs of walking across America. From the rugged terrain of the Pacific Northwest to the bustling streets of urban centers, each step has been a testament to his commitment to fostering walkable communities and promoting safer, more inclusive transportation options for all. As he continues on his path towards Washington D.C., Ringer remains steadfast in his dedication to raising awareness and effecting positive change, one stride at a time.