Book a Foam Fabulous Party to Fete the End of Summer in Raleigh

Make your last summer bash one to remember with a foam party.

Foam fun: found. Looking for a trendy and fabulous way to commemorate the end of summer? Look no further than the “it” activity of summer—foam parties. Enter Foam Fabulous, Raleigh’s up-and-coming vendor lathering up something new and exciting for all ages—and guaranteed to earn you a rep for throwing a heck of a party. 

Frothing from the mind of Nathan Morris, the co-founder leans on his decade of experience in the event biz amid his latest endeavor. “I’m always trying to create fun things for my kids and the neighborhood kids,” says the professional effervescent party planner, “and I happened upon a random video of a foam party—and it really stuck with me. I think a day or so later I decided if I was still thinking about it, it must be a hit!”

Blowing ahead with the idea, Morris and his wife, Ashley, quickly realized going with their gut would pay off big. “A few weeks later, we did our first Foam Fabulous party for the neighbors and our kids,” he recalls, “and we knew we had something really special that families would love.”

First-time foamer? “A Foam Fabulous party is the coolest, most unique way to celebrate an event,” explains Morris. “We pump out billions of bubbles from our industrial-size foam cannon and shoot them across the party space, stacking foam over 6 feet tall. It’s like a giant bubble bath without the water—and an instant spectacle.”

Keeping the good vibes going without bursting any bubbles, the foam festivals require zero host setup or cleanup. To boot, the foam is hypoallergenic, scent- and allergen-free, making it safe for kiddos and even pets. 
Adding to its bubbling repertoire, Foam Fabulous also now offers Snow Fabulous and Bubble Fabulous parties as well—aka the same foam fun with bubbles or snow swapped in. Pop off!

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About the Author

Angela Brown
Angela Brown is the author of our Business & Economy section.