Apple Vision Pro preorders are open, revealing pricing details and accessory costs for the mixed reality headset. The base model with 256GB storage starts at $3,499, while the 512GB and 1TB options are priced at $3,699 and $3,899, respectively. Apple Care Plus can be added for an extra $499, and various accessories are available at additional costs, including a travel case ($199), extra battery ($199), Zeiss Optical Inserts (starting at $99), extra light seal ($199), extra light seal cushion ($29), Belkin battery holder ($49.95), extra solo knit band ($99), extra dual-loop band ($99), extra charging cable ($29), and extra power brick ($39).
The total cost will depend on the accessories purchased, and users planning to share the Vision Pro with others may need additional light seals, cushions, head straps, and Zeiss optical inserts for individual fits. Preordering involves a Face ID scan and a questionnaire about vision and corrective lenses. The Zeiss inserts are available for a wide range of corrections, excluding hard contact lenses and prescriptions with prism values. The support page notes potential difficulties for users with certain medical conditions, such as drooping eyelids, changes in eye alignment, or uncontrolled eye movements, and mentions accessibility features for such cases.
Initial availability for the base model is already sold out in some areas, with delivery dates pushed to late February or early March. The guided tour on Apple’s site recommends in-person demos at Apple Stores for the best experience, highlighting the challenge of assessing comfort and screen quality without trying the device on.