The North Carolina Department of Insurance is Monitoring the Change Healthcare Cyberattack

Change Healthcare experienced a cybersecurity event affecting its systems on February 21, 2024.  Change Healthcare is not an insurer, but it is a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group.  Because its systems are widely used by providers and insurers, the cybersecurity event has affected healthcare operations across the country.  While the company has been taking steps to address the issues created by the cybersecurity event, problems persist.  More detailed information from United Health Group about the event and the company’s response can be found at Information on the Change Healthcare Cyber Response – UnitedHealth Group.

The Department is monitoring the effects of the cybersecurity event on consumers and providers in North Carolina.  Because of the cybersecurity event, consumers may have difficulty getting a prescription filled or medical services approved.  Consumers who encounter problems related to this event should work directly with their insurer or provider to resolve the problem.  If they cannot resolve the problem by working with their insurer, they can contact the Department’s Consumer Services Division for assistance at 855-408-1212 or request assistance online at Assistance or File a Complaint | NC DOI.

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About the Author

Angela Brown
Angela Brown is the author of our Business & Economy section.